Your angry self doesn’t feel like your “real self.”

Double exposure image of a man looking at and away from the camera representing a struggle in identity because of anger management issues.

Anger Management Therapist in Erlanger, KY

Maybe you’ve been told you have a problem with anger, maybe even having a partner threaten to leave or being asked by your boss at work to get help. Or, you just know that you have a short temper.

You may find yourself yelling or arguing with family and friends more than you’d like to admit. Perhaps you’ve even had some difficulty getting along with coworkers or have been fired from jobs in the past. You’ve said things you’ve regretted. Or maybe even done things when angry that you wouldn’t even consider doing regularly.

When you become angry, it feels like the "real you" somehow takes a back seat, and this other part of you comes out that you don't fully understand. You respond to stressful situations in ways that are inconsistent with your values. In those moments, you aren't behaving how you know you "should" or really want to act.

With anger management, you’ll learn coping techniques and strategies to pull you back from the edge of lashing out or feeling like you’re about to explode.

Anger itself isn’t the problem.

In and of itself, anger is a perfectly normal emotion. The problem arises when we can’t control our anger or when it leads to negative consequences in our lives. If you struggle in your relationship with anger, you aren’t alone. In fact, one study estimated that 7.81% of the population struggled with problems related to anger. If left unaddressed, anger can lead to depression, anxiety, and even physical health problems.

Seek help if you think you might have a problem with anger.

Signs you may need counseling for anger.

Losing your temper more often than you’d like

Yelling or arguing with family and friends frequently

Having difficulty getting along with coworkers

A history of being fired from jobs or supervisors suggesting you may have a problem with anger 

Acting in ways when angry that you wouldn’t normally act

Depression, anxiety, or other mental health problems

Physical health problems that may be caused or exacerbated by stress

Feeling held hostage by your angry thoughts & emotions

You don’t have to be held back by your anger.

We all get angry sometimes, but if it's impacting your life and relationships, it might be time to take action. Perhaps you've heard concerns from loved ones or even experienced consequences like breakups or job losses. Whatever the case, know that there's help available, and you're not in this alone.

Let's work together to find healthier ways to manage your anger and improve your overall well-being.

What happens in anger management therapy?

Understand your anger and learn how to control it.

In counseling, we’ll work together to explore the thoughts, emotions, and behaviors that are associated with your anger. We’ll start by examining the relationship between your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors so you can better understand why you’re experiencing each. Then, we’ll work to change your relationship with those thoughts and feelings so you can get better at taking a step back. You’ll learn how to more intentionally respond to situations versus automatically responding in the moment.

As our work together progresses, you’ll become more aware of your thoughts and feelings as a whole and begin to manage them in a way that is more helpful. In doing so, you’ll be able to take a step back in moments of stress and react in a way that is consistent with your own values and personal goals.

ACT & CBT: My Approach to Anger Management

Much of my work as a counselor relies heavily on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). I pull tools from both of these counseling approaches to help you develop a healthier relationship with your anger.

ACT helps you learn how to accept your thoughts and feelings without judgment so that you can take action in a way that is consistent with your values. CBT, on the other hand, acknowledges the relationship between thoughts, feelings and actions. We then look at ways to help you be more intentional about how you react in situations. For example, we may talk about coping skills for strong emotions such as taking a brief timeout, or do some assertiveness training in sessions.

Both of these approaches are really helpful in treating anger and other related problems. They work together to give you new ways to view and respond to strong emotions. This in turn allows you to feel more in control over your thoughts, feelings & behaviors. And you are able to gradually improve your relationships as a whole.

After counseling, your relationship with anger will look different.

Through counseling, you'll gain tools and understanding to consistently apply anger management strategies in your daily life. Initially, you’ll need my support as your therapist, but gradually, you'll gain independence. You'll notice a shift in your behavior, aligning with your values and goals, even during stressful situations. You'll gain better control over your thoughts, feelings, and actions, empowering you to live the life you desire. When your thoughts, feelings, and actions no longer hinder your true self, it's time to move forward with newfound confidence and well-being.

Together, let’s tame the rage and reclaim your life.

Northern Kentucky therapist and anger management counselor Kyle Linnemann sits on steps by hydrangeas.

Begin Anger Management in KY and OH

Anger management therapy offers a range of benefits to help you live a healthier, happier life. I'll work with you to understand your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors associated with anger so that we can start making changes that will improve your life and relationships. You have the ability to create a more peaceful and fulfilling life. Let's work together to make it happen. If you're ready to start your journey with anger management therapy, follow the steps below.

  1. Let's connect! Fill out the contact form, give me call, or send a text to get started.

  2. Begin anger management sessions.

  3. Start feeling in control of your emotions and life.